Wow, Seth! I can't believe you are already 11. You are a big 5th grader and ever so very funny :). I love that you continue to be the boy that makes me laugh out loud and the topic of many of Dad's Facebook quotes!
Seth, I thank God for you always, for your tender spirit of empathy. I love that you celebrate with those that succeed and help those that struggle. I love watching you live your life hard every day and crash into your bed each night (and fall asleep immediately!!!). You challenge me to enjoy life and to sing a song for every occasion :).
Baked apple a la mode instead of cake... excellent choice :) |
Thank you, Lord, for gifting me with my Seth. May You continue to grow him and mold him into a strong and courageous young man. May he continue to love memorizing Your Word and to think deeply about Your Truth. Lord, guard him against pride and all evil, and surround him with Your people. May this son of mine bring you much glory as he grows and matures into Your own image.