Friday, February 1, 2008


Last week, Abby got Chester again!!!
Chester is Abigail's class "pet" -- he is a cute little stuffed animal racoon. Each week, one child from Mrs. Wyckhouse's class gets to take Chester home for the week. The first time around, Abby was #10 of the 10 kids that got to bring Chester home. This time, she was picked 2nd!!! This was Abby's final time of getting Chester and she couldn't be more thrilled :). Abby took him everywhere. He ate and slept with Abby. He went grocery shopping with us. Chester played baseball, had hot cocoa, watched Abby in dance class, went to church and AWANA. He even got a nickname -- Chester the Arrester.

Chester also whispered to me that it was his birthday on January 25th. So, we (Abby, Katelyn, and I) had a birthday party for him (birthday hats, cupcakes, candles, and the whole nine yards!). We even had extras to share with our families!

When it was time to return Chester on Tuesday, Abby made sure that we all had a chance to hug and love on Chester and say our good-byes. It was a touching moment...

It was so cute to watch Abby "mother" Chester. She was so caring and loving to make sure that all of Chester's "needs" were met :). I think she will be a great Mom (or at least a great babysitter/cousin)!

1 comment:

babyrndeb said...

Oh my gosh - that Abby is just the cutest thing! Even if she wouldn't talk to me today - not even one word. Oh well, I love her anyways :)