Thursday, March 27, 2008

Over the hills and through the woods, to Santa Maria we go...

Isaac, Seth, Abby and I took the opportunity of Easter vacation to drive up to visit with Grandpa Norris and Grandma Betsy for a bit. What a special treat for us to see Grandpa & Grandma and to just "hang out" with them!!!

Immediately after the boys greeted Grandpa and Grandma, they would disappear into the backroom to Great Grandma's "Yes" Drawer :) In this special drawer, there are treasures to explore and Legos to play with. Matthew thought that maybe those are the same toys that he played with as a kid! So cute!!!

Abby, on the other hand, will greet her Great Grandparents, and then sit and study each one of Great Grandma's "babies". Grandma Betsy made (with much love, care, and expertise) exquisit porcelin dolls. She still has about a dozen of them behind her glass case in her dining room area. This is where Abby would camp for about an hour. She would study each one's hair, eyes, expression, dress, and ask me (every time) when she can take one home :)

I brought up the kids' scooters (just for good measure). Boy, did they come in handy! When the kids would get too wiggly for me to contain inside, I would take them out in front of the house and they would race on their scooters in on the sidewalk. They had a blast!!!

We had such a good time with Grandpa Norris and Grandma Betsy going out to dinner, going to Golden Donuts, and doing normal things like that! I am prompted, more than ever, to pray that God would work on their hearts and on the circumstances for them to move down to Orange County, so that we might be able to spend time with them more frequently!

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