Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Right Before You Get Old...

Matthew always asks Abby is she would take care of him when he gets old.  I guess there is no harm in paving the way :)  Today, Abby had a request for me when I picked her up from school:

Mommy?  Remember when I promised Daddy that I'd make him nachos when he gets old?  Do you think... could you... right before you get old, could you buy me some chips and the long kind of cheese so that I can make nachos for Daddy?  I don't have a lot of money and I can't drive to the store.  So, could you get that for me... not right now, just right before you get old???

Sometimes, you've just have to wonder what goes on in those little brains :)


We Happy 3 said...

Your kids are so precious. They are all so full of life and joy over every little thing. I love to hear all that they come up with. Kiss everyone for us.

Grammy Julee said...

That is so sweet, it made me want to cry. Thanks for sharing something so precious that your little angel said. And why not get Costco size bags of chips and cheese -- just in case!

Anna said...

Thanks for the laugh. She is so hilarious. How nice that she wanted to make sure she would keep her promise to her daddy. :)