My dear Sethy, you are a big eight-year-old today! How you amaze me, my peace maker, my "hugary" sweet boy :). I think you are right when you told me that "hugs are good! They are what keeps you alive!" I love that :). I love your sharing heart... that you when you get a prize or treat, you save some for your siblings. I love your unparalleled ability to climb any tree with confidence and agility. I love how you live life with wreckless abandon :). I love how you have the gift to make others laugh. I love watching you with little ones -- your gentle care and patience with each one of your cousins and your friends' siblings. I love the depth you see in God's Word... even at this young age.
I treasure the gift that God gave to me in you. I am grateful that God placed in your heart to be so sensitive to needs around you and selflessly desire the best for others! I know that I can always count on you to run over to me at school and greet me with a hug (even when you are in the middle of an intense tether ball game)! I wonder how long before you think it's uncool to hug your mother in public... I hope not for a long long time!
New BIG BOY bike!
My favorite Seth, you challenge me to be better :) May God continue to grow you into a young man that desires to live for Him and to shine brightly for His glory and your good!
I love you, Sethy Bananna! Happy Birthday!!!
We had a little extra excitement for Seth's birthday this year. RAIN (and hail and stuff)!!!
Seth told me that he is going swimming...
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