Saturday, June 26, 2010

Life After VBS

Today was the first day after Vacation Bible School (pictures to come in a separate post!) for our little family. With Matthew gone for the Resolved Conference with our College Group in Palm Desert, and some workers at the house to do some repairs on our sprinkler system, the kids and I "took the day off" :).

Initially, I had planned on getting A LOT of laundry done (VBS week is very disruptive to our "regular routine"... especially laundry). When the gardeners needed the water turned off to the house to do the repairs necessary for our irrigation system to work properly again, I had to toss my plan out the window. So... we left the house shortly after 9:30 and went to the library, signed up for the Summer Reading Program, checked out the maximum amount of books allotted, and went to the park (to read, eat snacks, and play). Ahhh... what a wonderful way to spend a beautiful Saturday morning!

Summer IS HERE!!!

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