Sunday, August 31, 2008

Who did you get???

Oh goodness... are you sure you want her, Mrs. Williams???

The big question on the minds of everyone on Thursday, August 28th is (or whatever the date it happens to be for the Thursday before the start of a new school year), "Who did you get???"

When do you find out? The class lists are posted at 8:00 am, but the classrooms are not open until 11:45 for orientation. What do you do? Do you go and check the lists first thing in the morning and wander around for a couple of hours on campus, peeking into each child's classrooms to get a "head start" on where he/she will be sitting, who are the neighbors, etc.? Do you keep wondering about the answer to this most important question and wait until 11:30 to check the lists and fight the parking traffic, all the people that waited until it was "convenient" to look at the list, the long lunch ticket line, and joust for the right size Spiritwear tee shirt? What's the right answer?

Well... we compromised a bit. We left the house early, went to the bakery for some delicious fresh goodies, went to school to check the list, and parked and ate our "breakfast" so that we can be first to say hello to the teachers :) Can you blame this mom for wanting to give her kids a leg up on life??? Maybe it's just that WAITING is not my "spiritual gift" :)

Isaac and Mrs. Steiger -- I've heard that she is the best third grade teacher in town!

Seth and Mrs. Hunt - I love her!!!

Abby & Mrs. Williams - it just can't get much better than this...

I am so thrilled for the teachers that we got this year! The kids each have the best of the best teachers! I know and love both Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Hunt from years past (thanks for blazing the trail for us, Isaac!). And I've only heard great things about Mrs. Steiger! Woohoo!!!

Thank you, Lord, for granting us teachers that love You and love their students! May You be magnified in the lives of Isaac, Seth and Abby as we partner with the teachers to grow these precious little lives that You've entrusted to us!

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