Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Pictures of the Damages...

It should have been soooo much worse...

Mom and Dads' house vs Neighbor's house

View from top of the orchard in backyard... notice the charred RR ties on the bottom and the corner of the roof that was burnt (main house)

Close up of RR ties - burnt to a crisp!

One of many melted irrigation lines

Melted corral fencing - praise the Lord for getting the horses out when they got out!!!

She still stands, untouched by the flames that surrounded the pole hours before!

Backyard slope, right behind the pool equipment - see the green garden hose... the guys were in the midst of all that fire

Here are some pictures of the Ranch House:

Fire-made skylight

A bit more damaged than we first thought...

Neighbors' homes:

House directly above Mom and Dad's property

House directly next to Mom and Dad

We continue to praise our Lord for His mighty hand of protection... not only for the house, but also for the guys!!! Mom and Dad returned home safely two days early from their trip in the Dominican Republic (on Monday night). They have begun the "clean up" process. Thank you for all the prayers that you have uttered on our behalf these last few days! We are so blessed to have been the receipent of so much love and intercession! Your thoughts, love and willingness to help overwhelms us... we thank God for you all!!!


himandhermuller said...

Thanks for sharing a true view of all that happened. Yes, it could have been so much worse. Thanks the Lord that it wasn't. Let us know if we can do anything.


Anna said...

WOW. We're thankful that God totally covered your family with his protection, and allowed so much to be spared. I can't even imagine all the devastation so many have experienced with the fires. Thanks for sharing the photos. We'll continue to pray that the clean up/insurance process go smoothly for Mark and Cindy.

Grammy Julee said...

Thank you for this update and photos. It helped me understand the vastness of this fire, and the protection that the Lord gave by way of His Guardian Angels, and the heroic efforts of your men. You will truly have much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving as you gather at Cindy and Mark's home. I will be with you in thoughts and prayers.