Saturday, February 27, 2010

Woohooo Upward Wolves!!!

The Upward Wolves... Seth is the #3 jersey in the front row.

Tonight was Seth's last basketball game :) Although we got rained out for baseball in the morning, basketball IS NOT weather dependent! Good thing :).

Seth joined Upward Basketball this season. This is an 8 week season, consisting of only one 1-hour practice and one 1-hour game a week. Much less time intensive than baseball... but not any less fun for my little guy :). This program is Christ centered (Bible verses each week, prayer before each game, devotional during half-time) and non-competitive (no scores kept, everyone rotates in 2 or 3 times per game). Great first exposure to "organized basketball"! I wasn't sure if my very competitive son would enjoy this atmosphere very much, but he had a blast!!! I think he just liked getting to play :).

Opening the game in prayer!

Coach Marty! Introducing his team with style and pizazz :)

Post-game snack huddle

Seth receiving his "Most Christlike" star for the last game!

Isaac and Abby tried their hand on taking some action shots of the game. Good job, guys!!! I thought some of these turned out really cool:

Seth's faithful fans... good job cheering your brother on!!!

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