Friday, July 16, 2010

FCS Street Hockey Champs!

Have you ever heard of street hockey? I had not, until this year. Street hockey is hockey played on black top with hockey sticks and a plastic ball (puck) that is about the size of a racquetball, but hard and "flat". There is no roller skate or roller blades involved... just plain old tennies.

As a 4th grader at FCS, Isaac had the opportunity to tryout for the school team. Matthew and I were hesitant to allow Isaac to tryout much less to play, because of his commitment to baseball. After much thought and prayer, Isaac tried out against 40+ other 4th graders, and made the team of 12!

It was great fun to watch him pick up a new sport so quickly and have so much fun with his friends at school... we are glad that we made the right choice :)

On May 8th, all the schools gathered at the Honda Center for the 2010 Ducks SCORE Street Hockey Shootout, an all day tournament competing for the "Stanley Cup". After a full day of craziness in getting Abby to the Princess Tea at church, Seth to and from his baseball game, and my car breaking down in the middle of one of the transports... FCS came out victorious!!! Way to three-peat Lions! What a fun time!

Over the summer, all the players got a turn at spending a few days with the "Stanley Cup". Isaac had his turn from July 1st - 3rd. It was fun to be able to show the cup to his cousins and family as we gathered to swim and play at Mom and Dad's house.

We are proud of you, Isaac! You make good use of the quickness and agility that God's given you. More importantly, we are thankful that you and your team exhibit good sportmanship on the rink. God is pleased with your attitudes even when bad calls were made. We were honored when your coaches told us that you were a joy to be on the team :)

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