Thursday, April 3, 2008

With an Oink Oink here and an Oink Oink there

Seth was on a field trip to Amy's Farm today. I didn't get picked to be a chaperon, so I have no idea where Amy's Farm is, and more importantly, I have no fun pictures to post :0

This is Seth's report, all in about 15 seconds:

I got to feed a baby pig and a baby cow today. And Mommy... one of the pigs was so hungry, it just leaped right over the fence! I saw a Swiss Cow. They are the biggest cows. MamaTina was 2000 pounds. Did you know that they take away the calves so that they wouldn't drink up all of the mama's milk?!? I also got to see a goose egg and a chicken egg. They are bigger than regular eggs... and Mama, there are rocks at the farm that has writing on them that tells you what's growing there. There is a pizza place that has big rock things around it that makes it look like a pizza. They grow all the stuff that makes pizzas there... but it's not like Pizza Hut, they don't make pizzas...

I think he had a good time... what do you think???

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