Thursday, June 19, 2008

Let Summer Begin!

Ready or not... we've officially started the first full week of Summer Vacation! After all the End of the Year festivities last week, we are already in "full swing" of no-school schedule!!! Yikes -- kids not in bed until after 10 a few nights in a row would really make this mama a bit out of sorts!

Here is a bunch of pictures of some of "the world of summer fun" :

Isaac's Rockies Team Party

Seth's Kindergarten Graduation and Party

End-of-the-Year Class Parties

Tea Party with Hannah :)

Legoland Fun with the Plumbs!!!

Seth & Abby warming up on the ground

Random Fun Day with Grandma (and cousins)

Mom's Club Party (look at all the babies!!!)

1 comment:

Bethany said...

How fun! Happy kindergarten graduation, Seth! You are getting so big - and getting more and more wonderful every year!

We had SO MUCH fun with you guys at LegoLand! Ezekiel and Bekah Jane are so happy to have you guys as cousins!