Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sweet water...

Much too often, especially as a mom, I struggle with anger.  I feel anger and frustration rise up in me as I enter the kids' room full of "stuff" that has been carelessly strewned about, or as I walk into the freshly scrubbed and polished bathroom (but 5 minutes ago) soaking wet with mushy toilet paper (not usually used... as far as I can tell) and the mirrors smeared with toothpaste or something worse...  Much too often, my children will incur the wrath of their mother and I WILL want them to PAY for how they have offended ME!!!

Today, Pastor Mike preached on anger and how one's words are a reflection of one's heart.  It was an excellent sermon!  Very practical for me :)  If you would like to hear it, you can find it at, under Audio Recordings.  He quoted a beautiful quote from Amy Carmichael:

"For a cup brimful of sweet water cannot spill even one drop of bitter water, however suddenly jolted..."

Lord... may you fill my heart with Biblical "sweet water", so that even when life (or my children :)) hits me in the face, I will spill out sweet and not bitter! 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This was just so encouraging/convicting to me today. I have that same anger that spills out sometimes and I will ignorantly think, "Oh my goodness where did that come from?" What a great reminder of where that comes from and how much I want sweet water to spill out of me! Thanks so much for sharing that Alice!!