Saturday, August 13, 2011


Haven't had much time to get on my blog... maybe after school starts :D. This summer has been one big blur. More about that later, I'm sure.

We were at our annual camping trip just a couple of weeks ago and were able to have a few days where all the "cousins" (our kids' cousins) together. They LOVE their cousins!!!

This week, with Matthew in Cambodia, we attempted to spend some focused time (baby steps!) thinking about school starting back up in a few weeks. Of course that means cleaning and purging closets and drawers, etc... definitely much less fun than water skiing at Almanor or hiking in Yosemite... but very necessary :).

While we were "knee deep" in outgrown or stained clothes, the kids were calling to each other using their "Ezekiel names":

Seth: Igitz, where do you want me to put this?

Isaac: Sephie, you may have that shirt if you want it. It's too small for me...

Seth: Oh! Thanks, Igitz! Abby, are you going to give away that pony?

Isaac: Abby... sorry you don't have a special name...

Abby: Yeah... Ezekiel only calls me "Abby". Sad...

It warms my heart that they love their "Ezekiel names". I love that they are constantly talking about the funny things that their little cousins do and say. They even make observations about how one of their cousins make the poutiest face they've ever seen :D. When I take the time to listen to their constant chatter... I would probably log over 50% cousin material (maybe only 2nd to Adventures in Odyssey :)!!!).

1 comment:

Bethany said...

So cute Al!! I love this!